Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pinhooks, Nifty New Find

Pinhooks - The cute & easy hooks that love to be seen!

I spotted these nifty pinhooks on the Gingerbread Snowflakes Web site and followed a link to Futuregirl's Web site (Alice) to see what they were all about. Alice came up with some great ideas, so be sure to visit her site. This is one of those things that makes me wonder why I didn't think of it before. I have a package of each color combination in my hands and so excited to have been in included in their mailing*.

I can't count how many times I've tried to hang stuff from push pins like this gathering of little gifts from my daughters:

Now my bedroom door doesn't have that ugly red pushpin, instead there's a clear Pinhook in its place and you can barely see it!

I bought a couple of dowels and I'm playing around with more ideas, but I couldn't wait any longer to post this. I rarely review a particular product, but when I find something I really like I share it with everyone I know.

And, as if this product could not be any cooler, the founder of this company, Leonard Gomez had an offer by a major corporation to make them, but they wanted the process done in China. Mr. Gomez wouldn't stand for it, so he declined and did himself so he could keep production IN THE U.S.A.! So, please support him and his employees by ordering a pack or two, or three from the Pinhooks Web site.

 *Disclaimer: I wrote the company and asked for permission to post their YouTube video because I thought it was a product crafters and other folk should know about. To my delightful surprise, the owner sent me a package of each combination of colors to try out. But I was excited about these Pinhooks before that happened, so my review is honestly from the heart.

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