As I pull into the shopping center, I roll down my window...
Me: Sir! Excuse me, Sir!
Nice Looking Older Man (who just got out of pick-up truck): Looks at me like I’m crazy
Me (not suppressing the giggles): You have a label on the back of your jeans!
NLOM: Blank expression
Me: (Still giggling and pointing at his butt, thinking maybe he isn’t understanding my English; predominately Mexican population here): You have one of those really long labels running down the back of your leg!
NLOM (Finally dawns on him what I’m saying): Turns and grabs the back of his jeans.
Me: The other one!
NLOM: Tears off the label
Me: I give him a thumbs up (both of us laughing mightily)
NLOM: I be stylin’!
Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! the rest of the day.