Monday, May 16, 2011


Stuffed peppers is another of my dad's dishes I wished I would have liked growing up. I acquired a taste for them long after he passed away, so my brother shared the recipe with me.

It's a fairly simple meal to prepare, but it does take some time. Especially if you consider the cooking time for the rice, but you can cook that ahead of time, even a day or so. A bonus is that the peppers are very portable, so they make for a great bring-your-lunch-to-work meal.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Wish There Was Smellavision

Hubby sneaked these into the bedroom while I was gone and I smelled 'em before I saw 'em. Wowie-zowie!

A Note of Thanks

A note I hold close to my heart.

My mother never failed to let her seven children know how much she loved and appreciated us. When she was in the hospital, she told me she wasn't afraid to die, it was leaving us behind that bothered her the most. She didn't want to say goodbye. Neither did we.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Leftover Stew

Stew, always better the next day, or day after that. Joy is being able to get a piece of meat, onion, carrot and ‘tater all in one bite!